chatGPT vs BING AI vs Google Bard on cyclotron analysis. Can the cyclotron voltage frequency be any odd multiple of the frequency of cycle completed by moving charged particle?

"Bing is worse than chatGPT (at least only in this case), how chatGPT is better in critical thinking."

 Well, this may be a very obvious question to you, but it arose in my mind just like newton's apple story.

So, to clarify this I asked Alakh Pandey in comment section, let's wait if I am fortunate enough to get a reply, and as I was too much eager, I went to Bing chatbot, chatGPT and Quora to get some knowledge but my expectations were met by chatGPT only.

Here are the replies and at last you will get my solution which may not be true because I might be missing something, but I shared whatever decision I make about the answer.

See how Bing shows same answer for both even and odd multiple of frequency!

And see how chatGPT just killed it.

My observation:

If I am right, then I appreciate the intelligence of chatGPT or knowledge source or whatever you call it that it satisfied a need of mine that was totally new in my mind not copied doubt from anywhere and also could not get relevant result from internet.

Thanks for reading till here, you can comment down your view on this or if you think it should be even multiple not odd then also you can explain, I highly appreciate such discussions.

Some people may find this question a very tough for the newly released AIs, but it is not, as you can see how I explained it, though it is not a common question, chatGPT did it correct.

After the Google Bard had been launched, I aksed the same to it also (ignore the grammatical errors, i was using the speech to text so errors persisted)

Well, the result remains same, Thanks for showing some interest!! Wish you have a good day!


    here is the timestamp for the observation video so that no one can steal anything


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